The Christmas Linden


The flowering Linden

Yesterday I stayed back late at work to apply entomopathogenic nematodes (ENs) to one of our lawns. The Linden was absolutely buzzing with life and looked beautiful in the evening light with moths and butterflies erupting and resettling all over it. On close inspection I saw butterflies, moths. bees, flies, hoverflies and beetles all attending to theĀ  flowers. The flowers have an elusive scent in this garden, beautiful but faint.


Painted Lady among Linden flowers

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the 2017

Summer and all it brings


Santolina virens

We have had a short hot spell, with 2 days at just over 30 degrees C so we have been perfecting our sprinkler rotations and planning to move the nursery into the shade. One of our wedding lawns is managing the hot weather well but one still needs more work. The hydrangeas are covered in flowers this year but do need a little watering when they start to look wilted. We do seem to have a couple of hydrangeas up the back approaching blue.




It is the season for lilies and our Japanese iris. I had actually dug out the day lily thinking it wasn’t flowering and was in the wrong place but luckily I didn’t quite get it all, it has flowered and is a lovely colour among the iris. The yellow pavia lilies are thriving at the entrance to the Gazebo.