The new turquoise bridge

Our Monet inspired bridge

Our Monet inspired bridge

bridge close up

bridge close up

We have a new bridge! The old red bridge had become too rotten and it has been completely removed. Our carpenter Dave has built a replacement. We decided on a level deck for safety (especially for brides in high heels) but Dave has curved both the upper and lower rails. We have followed up on the thoughts in the blog A little bit Monet where we wondered about extending the waterlily theme to a Monet bridge. It is now a reality.  Monet’s water garden was Japanese inspired so this theme introduced to the gardens in the 1960s is still referenced but through a French perspective. The French perspective references the travels of Lady Fairfax and the naming of the property Sospel in memory of the town above the French Riviera where she spent part of her honeymoon.

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